4/14/2008 01:10:00 pm Posted In , Edit This 6 Comments »

Wikipedia definition's
"Friendship is a term used to denote co-operative and supportive behavior between two or more humans. (...) the term connotes a relationship which involves mutual knowledge, esteem, and affection along with a degree of rendering service to friends in times of need or crisis. Friends will welcome each other's company and exhibit loyalty towards each other, often to the point of altruism. Their tastes will usually be similar and may converge, and they will share enjoyable activities. They will also engage in mutually helping behavior, such as exchange of advice and the sharing of hardship. A friend is someone who may often demonstrate reciprocating and reflective behaviors. Yet for many, friendship is nothing more than the trust that someone or something will not harm them. (...) "

My definition :)

"See you and me have a better time than most can dream of, better than the best, so we can pull on through, whatever tears at us, whatever holds us down, and if nothing can be done, we'll make the best of what's around."

"Best of what's around" Dave Matthews Band

6 People with nothing better to do left a message:

Mica said...

Lovely.. :)

Mica said...

Great definition!! E foi um truque baixo usar a letra da DMB! You know how crazy I am about them! :)
Thanks, hun!

Vanda said...

I know I am lovely :) eheheh
truque baixo nada!! e' just love!!

U know I luv Ya!


Mica said...

Great weekend! Well, almoooooost perfect, if you know what I mean.. ehehehe :)

Vanda said...


it was puuuuuuurfect! :) it always is!*******************

Mica said...

Deve ter sido mesmo perfeito! Para voltares este outra x!!! Que seca! Por mais que tente não me livro de ti! :)
Cá te espero, caxopa!